mentioned in 1774
What makes us different from all breweries?
The answer is simple: basically, for our product, WE GROW RAW MATERIALS BY OURSELVES!
For the first time production buildings appeared on the "island"district near the wall of the round about city on the plan of the city of Pskov in 1774.
We know that the brewery was located in an "island" distric from historical documents of the first half of the 19th century. Grain was malted for beer production in the building of the chambers, which are known as "Solodezhnya" on Gogol Street now, the former Nikolskaya Street.
At that time, the brewery and the malting house already belonged to the merchant Voronin Prokhor Dmitrievich, and later to his brother, who sold the brewing production to the merchant of the first guild F.A. Quest. In 1858 the plant changed its owner.
It was the chamberlain of the court of His Imperial Majesty, Baron Alexander Borisovich Fiitingof, who remained the owner of the enterprise until the end of the 19th century.
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